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Biografische Fallstudien zu Teilnehmer/-innen an den Maßnahmen nach §16e und §16i SGB II (E2-M3b)

Project duration: 31.12.2019 to 29.06.2024


The project ‘Case studies on participants’ biographies in subsidized employment according to §§16e/i of the German Social Code II’ is part of the evaluation of the Labour Market Programmes established by articles 16e and 16i of the German Social Code II, consisting of options for subsidized employment for the long term unemployed. This qualitative study complements the quantitative cluster analysis of the evaluation module ‘In-depth Monitoring’. The project assesses the programme participants’ chances of inclusion and perceived inclusion through exemplary cases and cross-cases comparison. The leading questions are: Which biographical patterns or types can be identified and how do they match the participants’ assignment to 16e and 16i? Which lifeworld resources can the different participant types draw on and to what extent? How do they develop over the course of the programme? Does developing and acquiring specific resources during the programme lead to an improved sense of inclusion?


31.12.2019 - 29.06.2024


31.12.2019 - 29.06.2024