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Working time of fathers

Project duration: 31.08.2016 to 30.12.2017


Parents' patterns of employment often reflect traditional models of division of labour: men are earning the main part of the family income because of their full-time employment. Women are mainly employed in part-time jobs und taking care of the household and the children. However men often want to spend more time with their children and take greater responsibility for family tasks. But the fathers' preferences for more time with the family are often conflicting with their usual working hours.

We analyse - with special regard to sociodemographic characterists - how long fathers are working per average. In additon we examine the existence and extend of overtime hours and the compensation schemes for overtime work. Furthermore we analyse  how satisfied  fathers are with their present work arrangements and which extent of working hours they would prefer.


31.08.2016 - 30.12.2017
Ines Zapf
31.08.2016 - 30.12.2017