Qualitative Studie Arbeitgeberservice
Project duration: 14.01.2013 to 28.02.2014
As a result of the reform of labour market policy (called "Hartz III") a separate service for employers (Arbeitgeber-Service, AG-S) was set up. In the process of job exchange, the AG-S puts emphasis on labour demand and professionally supports employers by offering advise and pointing to grants of employment policy. In empirical labour market research, the AG-S has been hardly recognised so far. Therefore, the project will analyse the organisational structure of the AG-S, its embeddedness in the process of job exchange and the interaction between the AG-S staff and employers.
14.01.2013 - 28.02.2014
14.01.2013 - 28.02.2014
14.01.2013 - 28.02.2014
14.01.2013 - 28.02.2014