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Interdisciplinary Lunch Time Seminar Series on Corona Leveller or Amplifier of Social and Economic Inequality?

Project duration: 31.01.2021 to 14.12.2021


Is corona the great leveller? Rich or poor, everyone can get sick from the virus and the measures to deal with the pandemic affect everyone equally. At the same time, new and old social divides are breaking open in the labour market and societies. After a year of research, however, it is also clear that the observed effects of the crisis are not always uniform, but can differ significantly by the dimensions of inequality under study, by country, and also among different groups of people. In addition, aspects of data collection or measurement and the resulting possibilities for analysis are also likely to play a role. This seminar series aims to bring together empirically rigorous contributions from the fields of sociology, economics and related fields on issues of social policy, social and economic inequality following the Corona crisis.


31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021
31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021
31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021
31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021
31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021
31.01.2021 - 14.12.2021