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An Analysis of Labor Market Entry and Early Employment Phase of the University of Applied Sciences Kiel Graduates

Project duration: 01.03.2016 to 31.08.2016


A number of empirical findings confirm favorable labor market conditions with respect to the entry and earning perspectives of university of applied sciences graduates (German: Fachhoschulabsolventen). In spite of the favorable evidence, there is a vast public discussion concerned with the labor market problems of this group. The labor market entry and the importance of internships are two most frequently discussed topics in this context. Both of these concerns aim in the same direction, namely to the topics of smooth transition into the labor market and finding
a suitable employment. This project shed light on the labor market entry and early employment phase of the University of Applied Science Kiel graduates.It
provides new and detailed findings for both aforementioned questions based on German social insurance data. Additionaly, the report provides some evidence with respect to the spatial mobility of the graduates and determines the factors affecting their post-graduation migration decision.


01.03.2016 - 31.08.2016


Katerina Homolkova
01.03.2016 - 31.08.2016