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Entwicklung und Determinanten von Mehrfachbeschäftigungen

Project duration: 15.02.2015 to 29.06.2017


Each month, the Federal Employment Agency publishes in its monthly report that about 2.5 m employed have a second job. So far, survey data was used to uncover the determinants of holding multiple jobs. Among the reasons are hours constraints in the primary job as well as the attempt for more job heterogeneity. As the number of secondary job holders has strongly increased since then, we aim at updating this kind of analysis, using register data of the employment statistics instead of a survey. Moreover, as each tenth employed has a second job, we consider the macroeconomic perspective. Using a PanelVAR, we estimate how strongly and quickly the number of multiple job holders responds to business cycle or wage shocks.


Sabine Klinger
15.02.2015 - 29.06.2017


15.02.2015 - 29.06.2017