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Macroeconomic Implications of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity

Project duration: 01.02.2010 to 30.06.2012


Plenty of studies document the existence of downward nominal wage rigidity (DNWR). Elsby (2009) argues that the macroeconomic effects of DNWR may be weak, because DNWR leads to a compression of wage increases. Our analyses try to determine whether Elsby’s predictions and findings apply to Germany too. In addition to OLS regressions suggested by Elsby we apply SUR and QR.


Thomas Beißinger
01.02.2010 - 30.06.2012
Heiko Stüber
01.02.2010 - 30.06.2012
Heiko Stüber
01.02.2010 - 30.06.2012