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Vereinbarkeit von Erwerbstätigkeit und Kinderbetreuung und die Implikationen für die Armutsgefährdung. Welche Chancen haben Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit Kind(ern) die Grundsicherung nach SGB II zu verlassen?

Project duration: 31.12.2008 to 29.11.2013


The financial situation of families strongly depends on household composition. Lone parents and two-parent-families differ according to poverty-risks and claiming of social benefits. This project focuses on mothers’ unemployment-benefit-II-reception and estimates the chances to leave this welfare system. Both types of households possess different resources and opportunities. The analysis focuses on how child care responsibilities, individual labour market opportunities and subjective orientations influence the chances to end the status of being in need. Special attention is paid to the question whether these factors operate differently for both types of households.


31.12.2008 - 29.11.2013


Martin Abraham
31.12.2008 - 29.11.2013