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Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market

Project duration: 31.05.2012 to 30.05.2015


In Germany, occupations are the structuring principle connecting the education system with the labour
market and are thus considered important institutions for shaping employment histories. Yet empirical
research has shown that male and female-dominated occupations come along with unequal employment
opportunities. In this project, we therefore study the relevance of occupational sex segregation for the
(re)production of gender inequalities in the German labour market. We approach the consequences of
occupational sex segregation at an occupational and an individual level. In the first step, we analyse
whether there is a relationship between occupational sex segregation and other occupational aspects,
such as wage levels, proportion of part-time work, or qualification requirements. In the second step, we
ask how these occupational features shape male and female employment histories and thereby contribute
to the (re-)production of gender inequalities. Empirically, we first generate an occupational panel based on
SIAB and Microcensus data to investigate long-term trends of occupational sex segregation and its causal
relation with other occupational characteristics. These findings are then used to identify occupational
characteristics that are relevant for generating gender inequality in employment histories. The respective
occupational indicators are merged with NEPS Starting Cohort 6 data to examine their effects on different
stages of female and male employment biographies, such as labour market entries, subsequent employment
mobility, employment interruptions, and returns to work


Corinna Kleinert
31.05.2012 - 30.05.2015
Kathrin Leuze
31.05.2012 - 30.05.2015


31.05.2012 - 30.05.2015
Dörthe Gatermann
31.05.2012 - 30.05.2015