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Improving process efficiency in panel surveys with paradata

Project duration: 31.10.2011 to 28.02.2013


Based on PASS paradata, this project examines what we can learn from (previous waves) call record data to inform calling strategies for future waves, taking account of information about households and individuals, interviewers, and areas. The first aim is to improve survey data collection and to inform efficient calling behaviours. The aim is not to use paradata for nonresponse adjustment, for example, but to minimise the number of calls that are made to a household/individual to reduce the response burden and to reduce costs. More specifically, what are best calling times to achieve cooperation, conditioning on all the information that we have about a household? What is the role of making appointments: do most households make appointments, e.g. at the first contact call or do they respond/refuse straight away? Is it a good strategy to call at times that are probably inconvenient for an immediate interview, as to get an appointment and to follow up on the appointment? The second aim is to identify “difficult” cases with the potential to approach those differently to begin with (or maintain contact between waves in a different way).


Gabriele Durrant
31.10.2011 - 28.02.2013
Frauke Kreuter
31.10.2011 - 28.02.2013


31.10.2011 - 28.02.2013