Die Bedeutung von Fort- und Weiterbildung für die sozial-ökologische Transformation von Arbeit und Berufen am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
Project duration: 01.12.2023 to 30.11.2027
From a social and ecological standpoint, the existing global economy and way of life have grave adverse consequences. They exploit the environment, pollute the climate, and, simultaneously, bring about social inequality and division. An eco-social transformation process is necessary to surmount the current injustices and prevent potential new ones from emerging during the transformation. The nature and quality of work will undergo change in due course. In the future, various sectors and occupational fields will need to adjust to altered socio-ecological conditions to retain competitiveness. On the labour market, training and ongoing education provide multiple chances to suitably adapt to transformation-related results. The continual development of green skills and abilities among employees facilitates the long-term retention of skilled workers, enhances employability, and provides opportunities for individual growth and advancement. The proposed research project will examine the potential effects of ecologically-driven labour market factors on the training behaviour of employees in Germany. The initial stage entails examining whether initial effects can be observed for specific occupations, and if so, which occupational groups are likely to experience more favourable or unfavourable consequences. Cohort and gender comparisons must also be conducted to identify possible social inequalities amongst individual groups.