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Press mailing list

Here you can subscribe to the press mailing list to receive current press releases from the IAB. The fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed.

    Personal data

    Data privacy

    Using the IAB’s information services for journalists (inclusion in the press mailing list, IAB audio service, and IAB newsletter) requires filling in an online form and further processing of personal data.

    For the press mailing list, that is the following: form of address, first name, last name, editorial office, address, phone, e-mail. The data will only be stored and used if you transmit them to us and expressly consent to the storage and use. The data will only be stored and used to inform you about the IAB’s work and research results and to the extent necessary to accomplish these purposes. Your data will not be forwarded to third parties. You may unsubscribe from the press mailing list at any time, for example, by sending a corresponding e-mail to presse@iab.deOpens in a new window. Your data will then be erased from our press mailing list.

    NOTE: You can only send the form after you have consented to the above terms of use and data storage/use.