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FAU/IAB event series „Macroeconomics and Labor Markets“

The Chairs of Economics and of Global Governance at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg as well as the Competence Field Macroeconomics of the IAB are organising this joint seminar series with topics at the interface of macroeconomics and the labour market.

Labor market beliefs and the gender wage gap

Macroeconomics and Labour Markets with Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus School of Economics) in joint work with Christine Braun.

We study the role of labor market beliefs in the gender pay gap. We find that, on average, women expect to receive lower salaries than men and also expect to receive fewer offers when employed. Gender differences in expectations explain a sizable fraction of the residual gap in reservation wages. We estimate a partial equilibrium job search model that incorporates worker heterogeneity in beliefs about the wage offer distribution, arrival rates, and separation rate. Counterfactual exercises show that labor market beliefs play an important role in the gender wage gap, but matter little for the gender differences in welfare. Eliminating gender differences in the actual offer distribution, by contrast, decreases the gender gap in pay and welfare.



, noon to 1.30 p.m.


Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus School of Economics) (joint work with Christine Braun)


Lange Gasse 20
room 2.429

Remote participation will be possible via Zoom. The login information will be send out a day before the seminar.


Researchers who would like to participate, please send an email to

Further information

Please find the preliminary schedule here.

We also encourage you to present your own research and to forward this message to other researchers who might be interested in the seminar series.