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IAB Colloquium

The discussion series "Labour Market and Occupational Research (IAB-Colloquium zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung)" is a forum where primarily external researchers present the results of their work and discuss these with experts from IAB. Practitioners from the political, administrative and business fields are naturally also welcome.

Different Paths to Success – Habitus, Career-patterns and the Reproduction of Social Inequality

IAB Colloquium

Starting with a comparison between the life-course approach and Bourdieu, the study focuses the relation between social origin and habitus on typical patterns of education- and employment trajectories. Therefore, it tries to provide a test of the social reproduction theory of Pierre Bourdieu using a subsample of longitudinal data from the adult cohort of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Theoretically, we assume that the social class of one’s origin-family defines the process of socialization and hence the habitus of its members and is cumulative predictive for the generalizable patterns of educational- and employment sequences starting with school entry up to age 30. The individual or class-specific habitus as a “whole set of practices (or those of a whole set of agents produced by similar conditions)” (Bourdieu 1984:170) should hence correspond to differences in successful sequence-patterns, measured personality-traits and attitudes suggesting a stable class-specific realization of the habitus.



, 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr


Dr. Markus Zielonka,
LIfBi – Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe


Institute for Employment Research
Regensburger Straße 100
Room E10
90478 Nuremberg