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IAB Colloquium

The discussion series "Labour Market and Occupational Research (IAB-Colloquium zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung)" is a forum where primarily external researchers present the results of their work and discuss these with experts from IAB. Practitioners from the political, administrative and business fields are naturally also welcome.

Falling into Poverty or Escaping from it? The Effect of the Minimum Wage in Urban China

IAB-Colloquium with Dr. rer. pol. Achim Schmillen, The World Bank

We develop a theoretical framework to study the effect of minimum wages on poverty and bring this framework to the data using a detailed individual-level panel dataset combined with information on county-level minimum wages from urban China and both a first-differenced multinomial logit model and a difference-in-differences approach. We show that theoretically the impact of minimum wages on poverty is ambiguous while empirically China’s minimum wages have had a moderate yet significant poverty reducing effect.

Digging deeper, we demonstrate two countervailing mechanisms at work: higher minimum wages help pull some workers out of poverty, while simultaneously pushing a smaller number of workers into poverty. Results are robust to a wide range of sensitivity checks including using various different poverty lines, while subgroup analyses notably show that the effect of minimum wages on poverty is most pronounced for women.

Joint with:
Sylvie Démurger, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and CNRS
Carl Lin, Bucknell University
Dewen Wang, The World Bank



, 1.00 p.m. until 2 p.m.


Institute for Employment Research
Regensburger Straße 104
90478 Nürnberg
Room Re100 E10

or online via MS Teams


Researchers who like to participate, please send an e-mail to