The IAB is conducting extensive research on the effects of the introduction and relaxation of coronavirus containment measures in Germany. These include, for example, contact restrictions and closures of industries. The data base collects data on these measures by federal states and, in some cases, districts at daily precision. The regional differences in the introduction of measures can be used for analyses of their effects on, for example, the development of the labour market, economic activity or the spread of the virus.
Person mit ID 58691 nicht gefunden.
Period surveyed
March 2020 until 7 November 2022
Date of publication
Rights of use
The data can be used freely. When using the data, please quote the following publication:
Bauer, Anja, and Enzo Weber. “COVID-19: how much unemployment was caused by the shutdown in Germany?” Applied Economics Letters 28.12 (2021): 1053-1058.
- Lockdown length and strength: labour-market effects in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemicBauer, Anja; Weber, Enzo (2021): Lockdown length and strength: labour-market effects in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. (IAB-Discussion Paper 10/2021), Nürnberg, 29 p.
- COVID-19: How much unemployment was caused by the shutdown in Germany?Bauer, Anja; Weber, Enzo (2021): COVID-19: How much unemployment was caused by the shutdown in Germany? In: Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1053-1058.
- Wie sich die Maßnahmen zur Corona-Eindämmung auf den Arbeitsmarkt ausgewirkt habenBauer, Anja; Weber, Enzo (2020): Wie sich die Maßnahmen zur Corona-Eindämmung auf den Arbeitsmarkt ausgewirkt haben. In: Makronom, 04.05.2020, without pagination.
- The Unemployment Impact of Corona Containment Measures in GermanyBauer, Anja; Weber, Enzo (2020): The Unemployment Impact of Corona Containment Measures in Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper, 16/2020), Nürnberg, 17 p.
- Which measures flattened the curve in Germany?Weber, Enzo (2020): Which measures flattened the curve in Germany? In: Covid economics, No. 24, pp. 205-217.