Professor Jens Südekum
Professor of International Economics
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Professional career and research topics
After completing his Abitur and his alternative to military service, Jens Südekum studied economics at the universities of Göttingen and Los Angeles (UCLA), gaining his doctorate in 2003 at the Georg August University in Göttingen with a dissertation on regional economic disparities within the European Union. After that, he worked first for the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), then as a Junior Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Constance and as finally as Deputy Chair at the Department of Economics of the University Mainz.
Since 2014, Südekum has been Professor of International Economics at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Since 2020, he has also been a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation Germany. He was Chairman of the Regional Economic Committee of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik, VfS) and Editor of the Journal of Regional Science.
Professor Südekum was nominated a Research Fellow of IAB in 2005. He has also been a member of the IAB´s Scientific Advisory Council since 2019.
Among his main areas of interest in research are regional and international economic relationships, the effects of globalisation on local labour markets, regional migration, New Economic Geography and the organisation of multinational companies.