The IAB LinkedIn industry switch radar maps current and future sideways movements of employees in the labour market. The radar is calculated by taking the average of two components:
- Current switches: the current ratio of people changing to a new job in a different industry
- Future switches: the current ratio of applications for jobs in a different industry relative to total applications
The IAB LinkedIn industry switch radar tracks switching behaviour almost in real time. In addition, the analysis of job applications provides a strong prognostic indicator of future switching behaviour. The radar is published every six months.
Job switches are recorded when a LinkedIn user updates their profile and assigns their new job to one of the 20 standard industries defined by the platform that differs from the industry they had selected for their previous role. Applications are measured using the online application form provided by LinkedIn. All data is aggregated and anonymised. Monthly time series are adjusted for seasonal effects.
One indicator of this is the IAB-LinkedIn sector change radar. It can be used to track movements on the labour market practically in real time. This is because a change is usually preceded by an application - and it is precisely this data that is available in LinkedIn. We use this data to create a leading indicator for the industry changes expected in the near future.
Job changes are measured when LinkedIn members update their profile and specify a job in another of the 20 industries standardised in LinkedIn. Applications are recorded via the online application form in LinkedIn. All data is aggregated and anonymised. The monthly time series are seasonally adjusted.
The result: after the coronavirus pandemic, the momentum of change has slowed once again with the energy crisis. Employees are currently switching comparatively little between sectors. This may be due to the fact that companies are increasingly holding on to their scarce labour force. However, there are signs of a trend reversal in 2024: Sector changes are stabilising and applications from other sectors are cautiously increasing.
Table: The IAB LinkedIn Reallocation Radar
Source: LinkedIN, own calculations.
Date of publication
Rights of use
The IAB LinkedIn Reallocation Radar is published under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Publication medium
The IAB-LinkedIn Reallocation Radar: “Great Resignation” is not a trend
Weber, Enzo; Erer, Murat (2023): The IAB-LinkedIn Reallocation Radar: “Great Resignation” is not a trend, In: IAB-Forum 14th of August 2023,, Retrieved: 14th of August 2023
Period analysed
January 2019 until June 2024