This paper examines the incidence and consequences of individual wage bargaining. We collected survey data on the bargaining policies of more than 700 German firms. Using these data, we validate a new survey measure of firm bargaining policies. We then examine what drives heterogeneity in firm policies. Using the link between these data, administrative Social Security records, and a survey we fielded to 135,000 German workers, we examine the dynamics of bargaining in the labor market. In the last part of the paper we examine the implications of individual-bargaining for wage inequality. We also draw a link between individual specific pay premia and bargaining behavior.
, 12:00 - 13:30 pm
Sydnee Caldwell (UC Berkeley), joint work with Ingrid Haegele and Joerg Heining
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nuremberg
Room 0.423
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