Guidebook “Das Dschungelbuch” (“The Jungle Book”)
The German Association of Working Mothers (Verband berufstätiger Mütter) has published the guidebook “Das Dschungelbuch” (“The Jungle Book”) for working mums and those in the making. It includes information and suggestions about topics such as career planning, parental leave schemes, childcare, flexible working hours, and much more. While the guidebook is specifically written for mothers and mothers-to-be, it also recommended for fathers(-to-be).
The Dschungelbuchservice (Jungle Book Service) provides additional information complementing the print edition.
Family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth
For information on all things family, visit the family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ): finances, working world, childcare and education, legal matters, health, and consulting.
Bayerischer Erziehungsratgeber (Bavarian Educational Guide)
The Bayerische Erziehungsratgeber also offers a comprehensive and eclectic collection of information and tips on all things family.