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Journal for Labour Market Research

Open-Access peer-reviewed scientific journal

The Journal for Labour Market Research provides national and international researchers with a discussion forum. With its empirical and multidisciplinary orientation, the journal publishes English-language contributions in the fields of the labour market, employment, education/training and occupations. Each paper submitted is peer-reviewed in an anonymous fashion with the support of an international editorial board.

The journal has been published by the Springer Wissenschaftsverlag since the beginning of August 2009. As of 2016 the journal is published open access. For further information on the journal, such as references for authors, please visit Journal for Labour Market Research by Springer.

Detailed information to the impact factors and other indicators of the Journal for Labour Market Research compared to other journals can be found on the portal Scimago Journal & Country Rank.

Abstracted/indexed in

SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, ECONIS, Emerging Sources Citation Index, GeroLit, International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR), International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), SOLIS, Summon by ProQuest.

Editorial board

Information on the editorial board and the advisory board of the Journal for Labour Market Research can be found on the IAB website.

Submit online

To submit manuscripts please use the internet-based Editorial Manager provided by Springer.

Editorial office

Editorial office assistance


All articles can be downloaded free of charge on the Springer Webpage.