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Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien (IEB)

Die Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien (IEB) des IAB sind Registerdaten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), die individuelle Informationen zu Beschäftigungszeiten, Bezugszeiten von SGB-II- bzw. SGB-III-Leistungen beinhalten sowie Informationen zu Zeiten, in denen arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen absolviert wurden. Die IEB enthalten umfassende und tagesgenaue Angaben zu Beschäftigung, Verdiensten, Arbeitslosigkeit, Leistungsbezug, Anforderungsniveau der ausgeübten Tätigkeit und einigen persönlichen Merkmalen von Erwerbspersonen, die für die wissenschaftlichen Analysen von IAB-Mitarbeitenden genutzt werden können.

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    Employment effects for people with disabilities after participation in vocational training programmes: A cohort analysis using propensity score matching (2022)

    Reims, Nancy ; Tisch, Anita;


    Reims, Nancy & Anita Tisch (2022): Employment effects for people with disabilities after participation in vocational training programmes: A cohort analysis using propensity score matching. In: Work. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Jg. 72, H. 2, S. 611-625., 2021-05-28. DOI:10.3233/WOR-205046


    "Vocational rehabilitation (VR) aims to help people with disabilities to return to the labour market. Though, there is not much evidence on its effectiveness. We explore the effect of vocational training programmes in VR and the VR status itself on employment outcomes. Using two samples from administrative data by the German Federal Employment Agency, we applied propensity score matching. We followed rehabilitants commencing VR in 2009/2010 (N = 7,905) for four years (comparison I) and general training participants with and without VR status completing training in 2012/2013 (N = 21,020) for one year (comparison II). For harmonisation purposes, we only considered individuals aged between 25 and 40 and excluded those in employment at the beginning of VR or training. Concerning the effect of training in VR (comparison I), we observe a lock-in effect during training (p < 0.001) due to an involvement in VR; after training, participants are more likely to obtain unsubsidised employment (0.05, p < 0.05) than non-participants, but there is no statistically significant income difference after four years. Regarding the effect of the VR status (comparison II), rehabilitants are more likely to take up (un-)subsidised employment (0.04, p < 0.01; 0.02, p < 0.001) after training, exhibit longer employment durations (19 days, p < 0.001) and achieve higher average incomes (2,414 euro/year, p < 0.001) compared to non-rehabilitants. Training participation helps to improve employment participation of rehabilitants. However, a longer observation period is recommended. Furthermore, the VR status itself leads to more sustainable and better-paid employment. This is due to more comprehensive support and longer-term subsidised employment opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reims, Nancy ;
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    Berufsspezifische Lohnunterschiede: In einigen Helferjobs verdienen Fachkräfte mehr als in ihrem erlernten Beruf (2022)

    Seibert, Holger; Schwengler, Barbara; Wiethölter, Doris;


    Seibert, Holger, Barbara Schwengler & Doris Wiethölter (2022): Berufsspezifische Lohnunterschiede: In einigen Helferjobs verdienen Fachkräfte mehr als in ihrem erlernten Beruf. (IAB-Kurzbericht 14/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2214


    "Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt dominieren Tätigkeiten mit mittleren und hohen Qualifikationsanforderungen. Daneben existiert im Helfersegment eine Reihe einfacher Tätigkeiten, die im Schnitt vergleichsweise niedrig entlohnt werden. Das trifft aber nicht für alle Helfertätigkeiten zu. In bestimmten Konstellationen können ausgebildete Fachkräfte auf Helferniveau höhere Verdienste erzielen als im erlernten Beruf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmigration und Aufnahmebereitschaft: Merkmale, die am Arbeitsmarkt Erfolg versprechen, erhöhen die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung (2022)

    Struck, Olaf ; Wolff, Richard ; Senghaas, Monika ; Osiander, Christopher ;


    Struck, Olaf, Richard Wolff, Christopher Osiander & Monika Senghaas (2022): Arbeitsmigration und Aufnahmebereitschaft: Merkmale, die am Arbeitsmarkt Erfolg versprechen, erhöhen die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung. (IAB-Kurzbericht 24/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2224


    "Migration zu Erwerbszwecken wird oft als ein wichtiger Hebel gesehen, um den Folgen des demografischen Wandels und zunehmenden Arbeitskräfteengpässen entgegenzuwirken. Gleichzeitig werden die potenziellen ökonomischen und sozialen Auswirkungen von Migration öffentlich kontrovers diskutiert. Die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung ist ein wichtiger Faktor für den Erfolg von Migrationspolitik. Das Autorenteam untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen die Erwerbsbevölkerung eine Einwanderung von Arbeitskräften aus Nicht-EU-Staaten befürwortet und wenn dies der Fall ist, welche Aufenthaltsdauern für bestimmte Personengruppen als akzeptabel erachtet werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Senghaas, Monika ; Osiander, Christopher ;
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    How wide is the gap? Comparing geography graduates labor market success with that of peers from business and computer science (2022)

    Teichert, Christian ; Otto, Anne ; Liefner, Ingo ;


    Teichert, Christian, Ingo Liefner & Anne Otto (2022): How wide is the gap? Comparing geography graduates labor market success with that of peers from business and computer science. In: Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Jg. 46, H. 4, S. 599-627., 2021-07-12. DOI:10.1080/03098265.2021.1960490


    "With growing numbers of university graduates, the choice of academic programs has gained in importance to enter the labor market successfully. Simultaneously, the link between the field of study and actual professional career is becoming increasingly blurry. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of these relations and to position geography in this wide spectrum. We develop a conceptual framework to systematically categorize the relations between academic programs and their associated labor markets. We employ this framework in a most-different-case design to quantitatively analyze the influence of the field on the graduates’ career prospects, using student records of several German universities linked with administrative biographical data from social security records. We find evidence that the influence of the field of study on full-time employment and wage is substantial, controlling for various factors. Geographers do face difficulties on the labor market, but the demand for their core competencies – interdisciplinary, spatially specific and sustainability-related thinking – is rising through current societal developments. Moreover, we find some indication that those performance gaps are not an exceptional phenomenon of geographers but also apply to graduates of different fields of study with multidimensional and indirect links to the associated labor markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Otto, Anne ;
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    Early retirement intentions: the impact of employment biographies, work stress and health among a baby-boomer generation (2022)

    Toczek, Lisa ; Peter, Richard; Bosma, Hans;


    Toczek, Lisa, Hans Bosma & Richard Peter (2022): Early retirement intentions: the impact of employment biographies, work stress and health among a baby-boomer generation. In: European Journal of Ageing, Jg. 19, H. 4, S. 1479-1491. DOI:10.1007/s10433-022-00731-0


    "In recent years, early retirement decisions have become more frequent in the European Union despite political efforts to prevent early retirement. This is a growing problem for the social security system. The study focuses on a life course approach using employment biographies and investigates the influence of work stress and health on early retirement intentions. Data of employees who were born in either 1959 or 1965 of the German cohort study on work, age, health and work participation are analysed (n = 3338). By linking survey and register data from 1993 to 2011, a sequence analysis is conducted to identify employment biographies. To analyse the relationship between the employment biographies and intended early retirement, a longitudinal path analysis is computed and includes work stress, measured through effort-reward imbalance, and self-rated health. The statistical analyses identify three adverse employment biographies, i.e. part-time work, episodes of unemployment or marginal employment. In addition, two favourable employment biographies are determined, characterised by full-time work and few episodes of unemployment. The results of the path analysis show that employment biographies with high work-related stress have early retirement intentions. Among adverse employment biographies, indirect effects of poor health on the association between work stress and early retirement intentions are found. Unexpectedly, among full-time workers, work stress is also associated with early retirement intentions with an additional mediation through health. The findings of this study highlight the importance of the life course perspective when analysing retirement decisions. In addition to health-promoting interventions in the labour market, effects of psychosocial factors should be focussed on in order to reduce early exits from the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der Gründungszuschuss wirkt auch für Ältere und in Regionen mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit (Serie "Evaluation von Instrumenten der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik") (2022)

    Tübbicke, Stefan ; Caliendo, Marco ;


    Tübbicke, Stefan & Marco Caliendo (2022): Der Gründungszuschuss wirkt auch für Ältere und in Regionen mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit (Serie "Evaluation von Instrumenten der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik"). In: IAB-Forum H. 16.05.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-05-11. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220516.01


    "Mit dem Gründungszuschuss werden Gründungen aus Arbeitslosigkeit über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 15 Monaten gefördert. Bisherige Studien belegen, dass eine so geförderte Gründung Beschäftigungschancen, Jobzufriedenheit und Erwerbseinkommen der Geförderten im Schnitt deutlich erhöht. Aktuellen Analysen zufolge sind diese Effekte auch langfristig zu erwarten. Allerdings profitieren nicht alle Gruppen in gleichem Maße." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Tübbicke, Stefan ;
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    Do Active Labor Market Policies for Welfare Recipients in Germany Raise their Regional Outflow into Work? (2022)

    Wapler, Rüdiger; Wolf, Katja; Wolff, Joachim;


    Wapler, Rüdiger, Katja Wolf & Joachim Wolff (2022): Do Active Labor Market Policies for Welfare Recipients in Germany Raise their Regional Outflow into Work? In: Journal of Policy Modeling, Jg. 44, H. 3, S. 550-563., 2022-05-30. DOI:10.1016/j.jpolmod.2022.05.006


    "While many studies estimate the effects of active labor market programs (ALMPs) on the participants’ labor market outcomes, far fewer studies are concerned with the effects of these policies on the regional job-matching process. We analyze which ALMPs are particularly effective at the regional level, as well as the role local labor market conditions play for their effectiveness. We find positive effects for a number of ALMPs, but for some of these the effects differ considerably between regions with high and low unemployment. This has important policy implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Evaluation der Förderinstrumente nach §16e und §16i SGB II – Zwischenbericht (2021)

    Bauer, Frank; Bennett, Jenny; Wolff, Joachim; Wenzig, Claudia; Coban, Mustafa ; Trappmann, Mark ; Friedrich, Martin; Stockinger, Bastian ; Gellermann, Jan; Schmucker, Alexandra; Gottwald, Markus; Ramos Lobato, Philipp; Zabel, Cordula ; Raab, Miriam; Dietz, Martin; Promberger, Markus; Globisch, Claudia; Nivorozhkin, Anton ; Gricevic, Zbignev; Kupka, Peter; Zins, Stefan; Kiesel, Markus; Fuchs, Philipp ; Hülle, Sebastian ;


    Bauer, Frank, Jenny Bennett, Mustafa Coban, Martin Dietz, Martin Friedrich, Philipp Fuchs, Jan Gellermann, Claudia Globisch, Markus Gottwald, Zbignev Gricevic, Sebastian Hülle, Markus Kiesel, Peter Kupka, Anton Nivorozhkin, Markus Promberger, Miriam Raab, Philipp Ramos Lobato, Alexandra Schmucker, Bastian Stockinger, Mark Trappmann, Claudia Wenzig, Joachim Wolff, Cordula Zabel & Stefan Zins (2021): Evaluation der Förderinstrumente nach §16e und §16i SGB II – Zwischenbericht. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2021), Nürnberg, 197 S.


    "Mit dem „Teilhabechancengesetz“ wurden zum Jahresbeginn 2019 die Instrumente „Eingliederung von Langzeitarbeitslosen“ (§16e SGB II) sowie „Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt“ (§16i SGB II) eingeführt. Beide Instrumente richten sich gleichermaßen an langzeitarbeitslose Leistungsberechtigte, die auch bei guter Arbeitsmarktlage nur geringe Aussichten auf eine ungeförderte Beschäftigung und damit auf ein Leben jenseits staatlicher Transferzahlungen haben. Damit rückt eine Teilgruppe unter den erwerbsfähigen Leistungsberechtigten in den Fokus der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Förderung, die über Jahre hinweg faktisch von regelmäßiger Erwerbstätigkeit und den darüber vermittelten Teilhabemöglichkeiten ausgeschlossen ist. Entsprechend besteht das Kernanliegen beider Instrumente darin, den Geförderten die Beteiligung am Arbeitsleben zu eröffnen und dadurch zur Verbesserung ihrer Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, ihrer Arbeitsmarktchancen und ihrer gesellschaftlichen Teilhabemöglichkeiten beizutragen. Zusammen mit der Einführung beider Förderinstrumente hat der Gesetzgeber auch deren umfassende wissenschaftliche Evaluation beschlossen. Die Evaluation erfolgt im Rahmen der Wirkungsforschung nach §55 Abs. 1 SGB II und obliegt damit dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB). Im Fokus der Studie stehen insbesondere die Implementation der Maßnahmen auf Ebene der Jobcenter, ihr betrieblicher Einsatz sowie ihre Wirkungen auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, die Arbeitsmarktchancen und die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe der Geförderten. Der vorliegende Bericht dokumentiert den aktuellen Arbeits- und Erkenntnisstand der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mandatory Integration Agreements for Unemployed Job Seekers: A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment in Germany (2021)

    Berg, Gerard J. van den; Stephan, Gesine ; Hofmann, Barbara; Uhlendorff, Arne;


    Berg, Gerard J. van den, Barbara Hofmann, Gesine Stephan & Arne Uhlendorff (2021): Mandatory Integration Agreements for Unemployed Job Seekers. A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment in Germany. (IZA discussion paper 14026), Bonn, 53 S.


    "In the German unemployment insurance system, Integration Agreements (IA) are mandatory contracts between the employment agency and the unemployed, jointly signed by the latter and the caseworker. IAs stipulate rights and obligations but are generally perceived as instruments to control search behavior. We designed and implemented a Randomized Controlled Trial involving thousands of newly unemployed workers, where we randomize the timing of the IA as well as the extent to which this timing is announced prior to the meeting. Randomization is at the individual level. We use administrative registers to observe outcomes. A theoretical analysis of anticipation of prior announcements provides suggestions to empirically detect this. The results show that IAs early in the spell have on average a small positive effect on entering employment within a year. When classifying individuals using an employability indicator, we find that this result is driven by individuals with adverse prospects. Among them, being assigned to an early IA increases the probability of re-employment within a year from 45% to 53%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Stephan, Gesine ; Uhlendorff, Arne;
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    Occupational routine intensity and the costs of job loss: evidence from mass layoffs (2021)

    Blien, Uwe ; Dauth, Wolfgang ; Roth, Duncan ;


    Blien, Uwe, Wolfgang Dauth & Duncan Roth (2021): Occupational routine intensity and the costs of job loss. Evidence from mass layoffs. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 68, 2020-11-25. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101953


    "In diesem Papier wird untersucht, inwieweit sich die Kosten eines Jobverlusts für Personen unterscheiden, die ursprünglich in Berufen tätig waren, die einen unterschiedlichen Grad an Routineintensität aufweisen. Für die empirische Untersuchung verwenden wir Daten zu Massenentlassungen in Deutschland, die zwischen 1980 und 2010 stattgefunden haben. Diese Datengrundlage erlaubt es uns, den kausalen Effekt von Routineintensität auf die Auswirkungen zu schätzen, die ein Jobverlust auf das Einkommen von Personen hat. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein solcher Jobverlust größere und länger anhaltende negative Einkommenseffekte für Personen aus routineintensiveren Berufen nach sich zieht. In den ersten Monaten nach der Massenentlassung lassen sich diese Effekte mehrheitlich darauf zurückführen, dass die Beschäftigungsdauer von Personen aus routineintensiveren Berufen stärker abnimmt, was auf größere Friktionen bei der Suche nach neuer Beschäftigung für diese Personengruppe hindeutet. Wenn eine neue Beschäftigung aufgenommen wird, ist diese bei ursprünglich in routineintensiven Berufen tätigen Personen häufiger in einem anderen Beruf als dem ursprungsberuf vor der Massenentlassung. Darüber hinaus liegt die Entlohnung systematisch unterhalb des berufsspezifischen Durchschnittslohns." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Blien, Uwe ; Dauth, Wolfgang ; Roth, Duncan ;
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    Foreign Vs. German Wage Differentials in Germany: Does the Home Country Matter? (2021)

    Brunow, Stephan ; Jost, Oskar ;


    Brunow, Stephan & Oskar Jost (2021): Foreign Vs. German Wage Differentials in Germany: Does the Home Country Matter? In: W. Cochrane, M. P. Cameron & O. Alimi (Ed.) (2021): Labor Markets, Migration, and Mobility, Singapur, Springer S. 55-76, 2020-10-10. DOI:10.1007/978-981-15-9275-1_3


    "The German labour force is expected to shrink in the next two decades due to a decline in population. Therefore, the immigration of workers from abroad could compensate for potential negative consequences of such population decline. Is Germany competitive for immigration—i.e., do German employers pay enough to make it attractive as a destination country? We explore the wage gap between foreigners and German employees in particular and focus on different countries of origin to better understand issues related to wage setting among these groups. For this purpose, a threefold Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition is performed using comprehensive data with a vast amount of information on a large number of workers and firms. The results suggest that most of the wage gap can be explained by observed characteristics, and in most cases, very little difference remains unexplained. We provide evidence on differences specific to the country of origin which could be taken into consideration to attract people from abroad to better integrate them into the German labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flache Erfahrungskurvenprofile von ausländischen Beschäftigten in Deutschland (2021)

    Brunow, Stephan ; Jost, Oskar ;


    Brunow, Stephan & Oskar Jost (2021): Flache Erfahrungskurvenprofile von ausländischen Beschäftigten in Deutschland. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 101, H. 11, S. 889-893., 2021-11-01. DOI:10.1007/s10273-021-3047-6


    "Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Entlohnungsstruktur von ausländischen und deutschen sozialversicherungspflichtig Vollzeitbeschäftigten und zielt auf die Lohnzuwächse durch die Aneignung von zusätzlicher Erfahrung auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Bisherige Erkenntnisse für Deutschland deuten darauf hin, dass Arbeitsmarkterfahrung bei Ausländern im Vergleich zu deutschen Beschäftigten zu keinen oder nur geringen Lohnzuwächsen führt. Wir identifizieren und diskutieren Ursachen und Erklärungen für diese flacheren Erfahrungskurvenprofile, was insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Einkommensungleichheit zwischen beiden Gruppen relevant ist." (Autorenreferat, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Give it another try: what are the effects of a public employment scheme especially designed for hard-to-place workers? (2021)

    Brändle, Tobias ; Fervers, Lukas ;


    Brändle, Tobias & Lukas Fervers (2021): Give it another try. What are the effects of a public employment scheme especially designed for hard-to-place workers? In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 42, H. 3/4, S. 382-417. DOI:10.1007/s12122-021-09322-x


    "Previous evaluations of job creation schemes (JCS) reveal mostly negative employment effects, mainly due to inherent lock-in effects. In this paper, we assess the impact of an innovative JCS that employs a pre-selection mechanism to target programme participation on unemployed job seekers with very low integration chances, hereby reducing possible lock-in effects. Relying on high-quality administrative as well as survey data, we conduct regression-adjusted matching analyses to estimate the programme effect on integration into regular employment. Our results show that the programme did not succeed to foster labour market integration, but still entails remarkably negative employment effects in the first years after participation. We argue that this results from a principal-agent problem at the last step of the selection mechanism that may have led to cream-skimming rather than targeting on very hard to place workers. However, supplementary analyses reveal that negative effects can be avoided for subgroups with very poor employment chances in case of non-participation. These results are robust to the use of different matching estimators and definitions of non-participation. The inclusion of usually unobservable survey variables as well as placebo tests based on past employment outcomes refute concerns about endogenous selection. From a policy-perspective, these findings imply that targeting JCS on workers with very low integration chances is a key factor to avoid negative employment effects found in previous evaluations. At the methodological level, our analyses add to recent literature that assesses the credibility of non-experimental evaluations based on high-quality administrative data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Ethnic diversity and segregation in German cities (2021)

    Buch, Tanja; Meister, Moritz ; Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;


    Buch, Tanja, Moritz Meister & Annekatrin Niebuhr (2021): Ethnic diversity and segregation in German cities. In: Cities, Jg. 115, 2021-04-12. DOI:10.1016/j.cities.2021.103221


    "Based on geocoded data, we analyze the level and (co)variation of ethnic diversity and ethnic segregation across large cities in Germany. Overall, our results indicate that the level of ethnic segregation is relatively low in German cities. However, it differs across migrant groups and skill levels. Moreover, there is considerable variation in both segregation and diversity across cities, which shows some specific patterns. East German cities are characterized by a low population share of foreign workers and high diversity among migrants that coincide with an above-average degree of segregation. The largest West German cities tend to show a diverse population structure, which is accompanied by low segregation levels. This trend also applies to the main college towns in West Germany. In contrast, cities in the old industrialized Ruhr area are characterized by above-average segregation levels, which goes hand-in-hand with relatively low diversity. Altogether, we detect a negative correlation between ethnic diversity and segregation. The significant differences in diversity and segregation across urban areas might be the result of distinct migration histories of the cities and a pronounced persistence of the resulting spatial patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Buch, Tanja; Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;
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    "Identifying Couples in Administrative Data" for the years 2001–2014 (2021)

    Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Trenkle, Simon ; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Frodermann, Corinna ; Lochner, Benjamin ;


    Bächmann, Ann-Christin, Corinna Frodermann, Benjamin Lochner, Michael Oberfichtner & Simon Trenkle (2021): "Identifying Couples in Administrative Data" for the years 2001–2014. (FDZ-Methodenreport 03/2021 (en)), Nürnberg, 24 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZM.2103.en.v1


    "Wir wenden die von Goldschmidt et al. (2017, Journal for Labour Market Research) entwickelte Paar-Identifikation auf administrative Daten aus Deutschland für die Jahre 2001 – 2014 an. Die Identifikation baut darauf auf, dass Verheiratete den selben Nachnamen tragen und an der selben Adresse wohnen. Der finale Datensatz beinhaltet etwa 42 Millionen Paar-Jahr Beobachtungen von gemischtgeschlechtlichen Paaren mit einem absoluten Altersunterschied von weniger als 15 Jahren. Diese Beobachtungen stammen von ungefähr 8 Millionen unterschiedlichen Paaren. Die Längsschnittdimension des Datensatzes erweitert die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen Querschnittsdatensatz." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Der Gründungszuschuss für Arbeitslose nach der Reform 2011: Ein Erfolg wie seine Vorgänger (2021)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Tübbicke, Stefan ;


    Caliendo, Marco & Stefan Tübbicke (2021): Der Gründungszuschuss für Arbeitslose nach der Reform 2011: Ein Erfolg wie seine Vorgänger. (IAB-Kurzbericht 28/2021), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Mit der Reform des Gründungszuschusses im Jahr 2011 wurden die Rahmenbedingungen der Gründungsförderung für Arbeitslose im Sozialgesetzbuch III umfassend reformiert und die Förderzahlen reduzierten sich drastisch. Insgesamt ist das Arbeitsmarktinstrument weiterhin ein Erfolg: Die meisten Geförderten sind auch knapp 3,5 Jahre nach der Gründung noch selbstständig und etwa ein Drittel von ihnen hat mindestens einen Beschäftigen. Von denjenigen, die ihre Selbstständigkeit inzwischen beendet haben, sind die meisten sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt. Damit haben Geförderte eine deutlich höhere Beschäftigungsquote als vergleichbare Personen ohne diese Förderung. Auch ihre monatlichen Nettoverdienste sowie ihre Jobzufriedenheit sind höher. Verbesserungspotenzial gibt es allerdings bei der sozialen Absicherung: Geförderte zahlen seltener in eine Rentenversicherung oder in die Arbeitslosenversicherung ein und sind mit ihrer sozialen Absicherung unzufriedener als vergleichbare Personen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Tübbicke, Stefan ;
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    Design and effectiveness of start-up subsidies: Evidence from a policy reform in Germany (2021)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Tübbicke, Stefan ;


    Caliendo, Marco & Stefan Tübbicke (2021): Design and effectiveness of start-up subsidies: Evidence from a policy reform in Germany. In: Economic analysis and policy, Jg. 70, H. June, S. 333-340., 2021-02-26. DOI:10.1016/j.eap.2021.02.015


    "While a growing body of literature finds positive impacts of Start-Up Subsidies (SUS) on labor market outcomes of participants, little is known about how the design of these programs shapes their effectiveness and hence how to improve policy. As experimental variation in program design is unavailable, we exploit the 2011 reform of the current German SUS program for the unemployed which strengthened caseworkers’ discretionary power, increased entry requirements and reduced monetary support. We estimate the impact of the reform on the program’s effectiveness using samples of participants and non-participants from before and after the reform. To control for time-constant unobserved heterogeneity as well as differential selection patterns based on observable characteristics over time, we combine Difference-in-Differences with inverse probability weighting using covariate balancing propensity scores. Holding participants’ observed characteristics as well as macroeconomic conditions constant, the results suggest that the reform was successful in raising employment effects on average. As these findings may be contaminated by changes in selection patterns based on unobserved characteristics, we assess our results using simulated-based sensitivity analyses and find that our estimates are highly robust to changes in unobserved characteristics. Hence, the reform most likely had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the program, suggesting that increasing entry requirements and reducing support increased the program’s impacts while reducing the cost per participant." (Author's abstract, © 2021 Economic Society of Australia, Queensland) ((en))

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    Tübbicke, Stefan ;
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    Will Accepting Less Bring Success? Job Related Concessions and Welfare Recipients in Germany (2021)

    Christoph, Bernhard ; Lietzmann, Torsten;


    Christoph, Bernhard & Torsten Lietzmann (2021): Will Accepting Less Bring Success? Job Related Concessions and Welfare Recipients in Germany. In: The social policy blog H. 22.06.2021.


    "It is often argued that in order to find new employment, the unemployed have to compromise and accept jobs that are inferior (e.g. paying less or requiring a lower qualification) than the jobs they held before becoming unemployed. Making such compromise to find new employment is what we call a job related concession. Our results show that while there might be some truth to this Assertion - in particular with regard to accepting lower paying Jobs - being generally flexible with regard to job search has comparably positive effects without requiring the unemployed to make such compromise. Therefore, we argue that enabling the unemployed to find new occupational perspectives - ideally in combination with training and qualification measures for the new occupation - should be at least as promising as requiring them to make job-related concessions." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Christoph, Bernhard ; Lietzmann, Torsten;

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    Synthesizing Geocodes to Facilitate Access to Detailed Geographical Information in Large-Scale Administrative Data (2021)

    Drechsler, Jörg ; Hu, Jingchen;


    Drechsler, Jörg & Jingchen Hu (2021): Synthesizing Geocodes to Facilitate Access to Detailed Geographical Information in Large-Scale Administrative Data. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 9, H. 3, S. 523-548., 2020-08-21. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smaa035


    "We investigate whether generating synthetic data can be a viable strategy for providing access to detailed geocoding information for external researchers, without compromising the confidentiality of the units included in the database. Our work was motivated by a recent project at the Institute for Employment Research in Germany that linked exact geocodes to the Integrated Employment Biographies, a large administrative database containing several million records. We evaluate the performance of three synthesizers regarding the trade-off between preserving analytical validity and limiting disclosure risks: one synthesizer employs Dirichlet Process mixtures of products of multinomials, while the other two use different versions of Classification and Regression Trees (CART). In terms of preserving analytical validity, our proposed synthesis strategy for geocodes based on categorical CART models outperforms the other two. If the risks of the synthetic data generated by the categorical CART synthesizer are deemed too high, we demonstrate that synthesizing additional variables is the preferred strategy to address the risk-utility trade-off in practice, compared to limiting the size of the regression trees or relying on the strategy of providing geographical information only on an aggregated level. We also propose strategies for making the synthesizers scalable for large files, present analytical validity measures and disclosure risk measures for the generated data, and provide general recommendations for statistical agencies considering the synthetic data approach for disseminating detailed geographical information." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Drechsler, Jörg ;
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    Employment prospects after completing vocational training in Germany from 2008-2014: A comprehensive analysis (2021)

    Dummert, Sandra ;


    Dummert, Sandra (2021): Employment prospects after completing vocational training in Germany from 2008-2014. A comprehensive analysis. In: Journal of vocational education and training, Jg. 73, H. 3, S. 367-391., 2019-11-11. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2020.1715467


    "The transition from vocational education and training to regular employment is an important step in the occupational biography of apprenticeship graduates. In the last decade, the retention rate of apprenticeship completers has remained stable at a high level, and graduates face good job opportunities in Germany. Despite these positive circumstances, not all apprenticeship graduates succeed in the direct transition from vocational training to regular employment and are affected by unemployment. My paper offers deeper insights into training establishment-specific, individual and external regional characteristics that influence the transition process at this crucial point in the employment career. I consider the employment status of apprenticeship graduates by estimating multinomial logit models at three time points after the end of training, namely, one month and one and two years later. Using linked employer-employee data, I find evidence not only that sociodemographic characteristics and training establishment-specific determinants affect the transition at the second threshold but also that regional factors influence the probability of becoming unemployed or remaining with the training establishment after the end of the apprenticeship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dummert, Sandra ;
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